en English

What products could mobile vacuum lifter lift?

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A mobile vacuum lifter is a device that uses suction to lift and transport heavy objects. The specific products that a mobile vacuum lifter can lift depend on the capacity and design of the lifter.

In general, mobile vacuum lifters are designed to lift a wide range of materials, such as glass, metal sheets, wood panels, plastic sheets, and even bags of cement or other heavy materials. They can also be used to lift products in various shapes and sizes, including curved or irregularly shaped items.

The weight capacity of a mobile vacuum lifter varies depending on the specific model, but many can lift up to several thousand pounds or more. Some models may also have additional features, such as adjustable suction cups or the ability to rotate or tilt the lifted object.

It is important to note that while mobile vacuum lifters are designed to lift heavy objects, they should be used with caution and following all safety guidelines to prevent accidents or damage to the lifted products.

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